girl before a mirror
Risa S. Horowitz

This website is composed of aproximately 3000 webpages. The archive has 1585 images. There are 3 ways to navigate through the archive:

Half of the webpages contain a thumbnail image, a catalogue number and a descriptor. These pages have been named from 1-1585 with the designation 'c' appended to the number, which refers to these pages as 'cardfile' pages. For example, the first item in the web-archive is called '0001' and the corresponding cardfile web-address (URL) for this item is

The other half of the pages contain a larger version of the image alone. These pages have been named from 1-1585 with the desisgnation 'p' appended to the number, which refers to these pages as 'photo' pages. For example, the first item in the web-archive is called '0001' and the corresponding photo web-address (URL) for this item is

1)By catalogue number/chronologically.
To view a complete list of items in the archive, select the link called 'enter the archive,' below. You may select any item in the list, and from each page, click the arrows to advance to the next image, or go back to the previous image. Clicking on any image on a page will link you to the corresponding thumbnail/cardfile or larger version.

2) By search engine
You may select the link called 'search the archive' to enter keywords into a search field. Searches call up batches of page references that contain the word you typed into the search field. To view more than one reference, you will need to click on the 'back' button at the top left of the screen to return to the list, and pull the next item in the batch.

3) By x-ref code
On the 'cardfile' pages, you will notice a variety of 3-letter codes below the image descriptor. These three letter codes represent certain words that have a high frequency in the descriptors. Clicking on the 3-letter code links you to a page with a list of cross-referenced catalogue numbers. This list represents all the items in the archive which contain the word that the 3-letter code represents. To find out what the word is, you will need to view more than one page from the batch and read the descriptors.

enter the archive

copyright 1998-2024 Risa S. Horowitz