Risa Horowitz


Landscapes and Silence and Starfields and Fields | 2016 | Kochi-Muziris catalogue


starfields and fields combines two project streams I have been exploring over the past few years: landscapes and astronomical photographs. Canadian landscape images carry the burden of ideologies of our hinterland, settlement, displacement, and intervention. Yet we collectively seek natural and peaceful experiences of from the land, and fulfill such desires in part through artistic representations. Cosmic star fields carry with them real and imagined ideals of isolation, distance, and the (im)possibility of settlement.

A selection of these works were included in the exhibition What Does the Image Stand For?, curated by Ami Barak as part of Momenta Biennale (formerly Mois de la Photo a Montreal), at Gallery L'UQAM, Montreal, with catalogue

momenta catalogue


chromogenic colour photographs from DSLR. 15x30" and 27.5x55"


chromogenic colour photographs from 8x10" pinhole camera". 15x30" and 27.5x55"


chromogenic colour photographs from 4x5" pinhole camera". 15x30" and 27.5x55"


chromogenic colour photographs from DSLR. 15x30" and 27.5x55"


Landscapes and Silence, curated by Wayne Baerwaldt, is a group exhibition presented in partnership with Tanya Abraham, curator, at Kashi Art Gallery (Town House) as a collateral project of the 2016 Kochi-Muziris Biennale. The exhibition includes the works of Terry Billings, Gabriela Garcia-Luna, Risa Horowitz, Zachari Logan, and Sheila Spence.


chromogenic colour photographs from DSLR and large format negative and pinhole direct positives. 15x15" each.

And some scans from 8x10" direct positive pinhole photographs made in Fort Kochi, December 2016.






I acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, which last year invested $153 million to bring the arts to Canadians throughout the country. Je remercie le Conseil des arts du Canada de son soutien. L'an dernier, le Conseil a investi 153 millions de dollars pour mettre de l'art dans la vie des Canadiennes et des Canadiens de tout le pays.
I also thank Creative Saskatchewan for its support of this project.

Updated January 2025 | Acknowledgements | Copyright ©1998-2025 Risa Horowitz